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Volunteers Needed for Boosterthon Glow Run

It's Boosterthon Glow Run Week! Friday, March 17th, is the Boosterthon Glow Run in the gym. We need parent volunteers to help! Students will be running during their PE times. The only way you’ll be able to attend the event is as a volunteer, so please come join in the fun for an hour or two by signing up here.

Don't forget to register your child for Boosterthon and share their personalized link with friends and family on social media to help raise money for Meadow View Elementary School!

The goal is to raise $35,000 for new STEAM resources and other school needs. Registering is easy and free! Just for registering, your student will earn a free prize (and check out how your family could win a trip to Disney!) Register Now On MYBOOSTER.COM

Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!

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