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Join the 24-25 PTO Board!

Applications are now open for the 2024-2025 MVES PTO Board. We have several long-standing members who are leaving Meadow View, so new PTO Board members are needed!

PTO is responsible for events such as Kona Ice, Fall Festival, Merry Market, Teacher Appreciation Week, Staff Celebrations and more. We have open positions with various levels of commitment, so everyone is able to help in some way. The majority of our current PTO Board also hold full time jobs, so don't let the time commitment concern you.

It truly takes a village to make a school year successful, so we ask for parents to consider volunteering for open positions. Without help from you, PTO would not be able to provide such fun and memorable experiences for every student at MVES throughout the year.

If you want to make a huge difference in your child's school community, please consider joining us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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